percula clown and yellow tang


New Member
Today I noticed my clown acting a little strange. I got it to come over in front of me and noticed that the white band on the head appears to be pink. Looks like the scales are coming off. I also have a yellow tang that appears to have hlle. Is this something that can spread to all fish and how do I treat it?
My water conditions are good and I'm a faithful every other week water changer.
They receive frozen algae at least once a day soaked in zoe and flake food or frozen brine or mysis shrimp once a day.
Thanks for any help you can give!


Staff member
Give some info regarding the setup of your tank, size, age, type setup, exact water readings, filtration. Both of these symptoms indicate envirnmental problem.
What other fish do you have in the tank, as well.


New Member
Here's my tank info
55 gal apx 10 yrs old w/cc substrate
seaclone skimmer
emperor filter
25 lbs lr been in tank 4 weeks
amm 0
no2 0
no3 5
ph 8.4
alk 3.2
1 yellowback damsel(in tank 4 yrs)
1 perc(in tank 2 yrs)
1 yellow tang(in tank 3 months)
1 gobie of some sort(in tank 4 yrs)
2 camel back shrimp
1 coral banded
1 scarlet cleaner
2 sally lightfoots
10 blue leg hermits
11 turbo snails
1 red serpent star
My tank is not grounded as I am still trying to figure out what you use.
Thanks for your help!


Staff member
You don't know how to ground the tank? Grounding probe. They cost about $15.
I would do a large water change. What is the nitrate level in that tank? What type water do you use? You've just added LR so this may be contributing to the problem. There are certainaly organics that can enter your system from LR that does not necessarily read on standard ammonia or nitrite test kits. Do a water change, and if you have an extra PH, add it.
How is your water circulation, both at top of tank, and the bottom?