percula clown: true or false?



Percula clown is a true clownfish/true percula.
"false" clownfish aka "Nemo" are known as Ocellaris.
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Active Member
When they are mature true has more black. Flase just have a black strips next to white
EDIT-700th Post!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
When they are mature true has more black. Flase just have a black strips next to white
EDIT-700th Post!

Actually due to the vast differences in color morphs even true percs can be mistaken for ocellaris. while I agree that the majority of true percs have a thicker black band between their white stripes there are other ways to tell. apparently counting the spines on the dorsal fin is one way to tell. One species has more than the other. I for one have had so far 100% sucess in looking at their eyes, particularly the color around their pupil. Ocellaris seem to have a tea or darker orange colored ring, whereas percs seem to have a bright almost flourescent ring around theirs. Obviously I havent seen every fish there is but so far my findings have proven to be true.


Originally Posted by dnraiders
I dont know what a hell this is



Originally Posted by bjoe23
the last pic is a picasso
Actually, it's commonly referred to as a snowflake.


Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
any idea where to get one?
Watch e b a y, pairs have been popping up on there, assuming you're talking about the snowflakes.