Percula clown


Is it normal for a new percula clown to just swim in one corner of the tank? I put him in monday.


Active Member
How long have they been in there for, I wouldn't worry about it...
I have 2 percs too. At night one sleeps in the bottom front right corner and one in the top back right corner. Clowns aren't the greatest swimmers and so unless they have something to host they'll pick an area to sleep in and get pushed around by the current and they usually wind up in corners. Clowns also pick out territories when there are more fish in the tank. Mine used to hang out up high but they actually built a sort of nest in the middle of the tank where they won't leave and thats where they chill now. Clowns also copy each other. One of my clowns right when I got LS in my tank dunked his head into the sand and his tail was bairly visible (think he liked it cuz it was soft) and an hr later i go into my room the other one started doing it. Same happened where they slept both in corners. All im getting about is their wierd and have unnatural behaviors, don't worry


Active Member
I have two false percs, and they did the same thing at first.Then they slowly started venturing out farther, but they did not leave the top of the tank for probably two months.


My percula lays on its side and makes swimming motions at the water surface in the corner of the tank at night.
This is his "sleeping" habit. It really freaked me out at first, but he has been doing it every night for 2 months.

dr. evil

cool i just added two today and pretty much all they are doing at this point is hanging out at the top corner they are tank raised false percs.


clowns are cool. Mine sleep upside down with the swimming motion. Its really weird.