percula clown


New Member
Just put a percula clown in my 55g. Would it have been better to put a pair. Also will it host in a long tenacle anenome?


If the percula is tank raised there is a 97% chance it wont take to any anenome. I had my Tanked cleaned by a professional and he said i should only feed my aquarium every other day. I had been feeding my tank everyday, since i started feeding everyother day my peppermint shimp just started attacking my crabs and pulling them out of there shells and eating them. Is the feeding the cause of that? Pep. shrimp were added to kill of the Aptasia. Aptasia is gone now should i take them back to the store? Or feed them everyday??? HELP!!!


There's no guarantee that a Clown will host in an anemone. I've had 2 pairs of Clown and neither pair paid the slightest attention to a BTA. But the 2nd pair hosted in a Colt Coral!
As far getting a pair - if you didn't get one straight off you can always wait for your current clown to grow a bit and then get him a smaller companion. Chances are fairly good that they will pair-up.


ya i also had 3 clowns for about 5 months now, they didn't get near any of my annenomies but yesterday they started hosting my large colt coral