percula clowns

i have two percs and a yellow tang now for about 2 years and they love each other. i have never seen them not get alnong. the only thing you really cant put with a tang is another yellow fish that resmbles the etang. i think you would really enjoy the tang and some percs.


Active Member
Thanks! Yeah the tank is looking good, real good.....must be why I'm about to move it all into a 135 gal.:eek: Everytime I look at the tank now, I'm worrying about messing with a good thing. I just keep thinking the tang is going to love that 6 feet of swim space.


it depends on when u put them in because yellow tangs can b territorial and could b mean to ne fish thats why they usually need to b the last entered fish in ur livestock for ur tank


New Member
i guess the best thing to do would be to put them in together at the same time since i will be starting over with my tank


how many of the peculia clowns can be safely kept in a 135? do you think getting 4 of them would be too many?