percula clowns


New Member
Do you think it would be OK to get 4 clowns from the same school? I have a 140 gal tank. I hate to say it, but I'd like to get 4 in hoping for at least 2 to live. If they'd all live, wouldn't they just school together like they did at the LFS?
well, you could always try. But if I were you I would go with just a pair. They seem to do better and aren't as aggressive as would a shoal of them would be.
on a tank that size i dot think youd have a prob. i would try to get pairs, look for 2 hanging out together one being lager than te other. these are not vey aggersive fish out of the clowns. ive seen a mix of different kinds of clowns with no probs.. the reason they are all together at the lfs is they dont have a chance to get territoral with so many together.