Percula getting beat up


New Member
I have a Percula Clown that is getting pummeled by a Tomato Clown and need help on what I should do. The Tomato is relentless and has forced the Percula up to the top of the tank by the return for shelter. His mouth is all torn up and I don't think he can take much more. What should I do?


Remove the percula and put him in your QT. There you can watch him and treat for any bacterial infections etc that may show up.
I don't believe you should have had them in the same tank to begin with. If you want clowns get a pair of clarkis, tomatos, perculas. Don't mix them together in the same tank. Also a great book for you to read would be "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson.


New Member
That would be a great idea....except I don't have a QT....any other ideas?


Active Member
I agree that one of them will need a new home. Mixing clown species is not a good idea. If you don't have a QT, I suggest you find a way to make a tank divider. Keep a close eye on your perc. Is it eating?
Check out the FAQ sticky in the disease forum. You can set up a q tank without having to spend alot.