percula narcoleptic? or big problem?


This is my first post...I've been reading this message board for quite some time and have learned a ton. Maybe somebody could help me. I recently purchased a couple of perculas at the LFS...placed them in the QT before introducing them to my main tank. To make a long story short, both of them showed what I thought were the beginning signs of Ich...a few white dots on the fins....sluggish, lazy swimming, etc. I thought I caught it early. Took them out of the tank...put them in the QT...medicated them w/ formalin/hyposalinity for a few days. Their spots have dissapeared...but ever since I've had them in has sprung to life...while the other one is just laying at the bottom of the tank, sometimes sideways...sometimes swimming...and I've been so sure that he's going to pass out or die....but he snaps back into it when food (brine) is in the tank (and eats!). I've literally gone to bed expecting to wake up and find him dead...but he just keeps hanging in there. They've both been in the QT for 8 days...and I've kept fish/reef for a while...but have never seen a fish drag out death this long. Anybody know what's up here? anything else I can do? Am I in for some trouble? or is this fish just eccentric or prone to sleeping attacks. Oh...water parameters...Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate O, PH 8.2, temp 78, sg 1.009 Thanks a lot