Percula & Ocellaris Pairing?


New Member
Hi everyone! I just recently purchased 2 clownfish (about a week apart from each other). I introduced the 2nd to my tank last night and the second it began to swim around, it instantly went to my other clown and they began to pair! I'm still in shock. I have read online that a crossbreed is called a Percularis; however, I cannot find any solid pictures of what they may look like.


New Member
Congrats on the pair and welcome to the forums! The bigger of the two will eventually if not already become or "choose" to be the female. From what I understand is that the ocelarus clown fish have thicker black bands and IMO have a darker color orange than the percs.

mr. limpid

Active Member
they are both ocellaris, just different colors from breding. you can tell by the width of the black strip between the orange and white. Thick is Percula thin is Ocellaris. Mine are actual as yours the female is the lighter orange.