Perculas dancing?


I was in the other room and my wife starts yelling that something is wrong with my 2 percs.

However, when I got out there they were, not sure how to describe it, a mix between vibrating and short quick jerking motion.
I've seen them do this before but I assumed it was no big deal. You know what they say about assuming. So help me out please.


Active Member
It is a dominance thing. The one that is vertical and twitching is the submissive one. The other one will turn female.


Originally Posted by alyssia
It is a dominance thing. The one that is vertical and twitching is the submissive one. The other one will turn female.
The only thing that doesn't make sense with that is that I get them when they were the same size (or close). However, in the past 4- 6 months the one doing the dance has far outgrown the other. Thus I assume the larger one is the female is doing the dance?


What can I do to help the egg process along?
Should I segregate them and their eggs from my other fish?

reef diver

Active Member
no id leave them, the eggs are very hrd to raise, if yu want to raise them, put something removable for the clowns to lay the eggs on, then remove the eggs only, the fry that hatch if left in tank, will jut be eaten, nothing to worry bout


i just added a smaller maroon to my 135 tank, my biger maroon (the old one) went to him just got close to him and went away after that the smaller one got closer to him and started "dancing" like you described that.
which one will turn female?


Active Member
just so ya know, raising those eggs take a lot more equip and work...there is a thread around here that is titled hey bang..does this look right, or something to that effect


Active Member
there are many many threads about breeding clownfish( on very long one with very good info) titled "hey bang, does this look right"....or something to that effect...and there are tons of propogation threads, just do a search and youll find it