*PERFECTO* 75 gallon


Active Member
does anyone have a reef ready Perfecto brand 75 gallon tank? where is the overflow located on this tank? i prefer the corner overflow but my mom likes the center, so were comparing. weve found a good price on a perfecto. Thanks!


Active Member
we are also looking at another tank, i think its AGA but not 100%, the overflow is halfway between the left corner and the middle. im not so fond of that so im hoping the perfecto is different.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
we are also looking at another tank, i think its AGA but not 100%, the overflow is halfway between the left corner and the middle. im not so fond of that so im hoping the perfecto is different.
When I had a RR tank I cant remember what brand it was but the over flow was in the lef corner and I didnt really like it. It worked fine it just seemed to take up a lil more room


Active Member
I think Perfecto's overflows are mounted in the back-left corner, whereas AGA's are mounted half-way between the center and the left.
I think the front panel on Perfecto's is removable so you can clean it out good too.