Perhaps gill flukes have my puffer?


New Member
My puffer seems to have an illness. It has closed one gill and will not use it. It has scratches where it has apparently tried to itch near the gill. She is not as active as normal although she still has a healthy color and no spots of any kind. I have researched and watched her very closely for the last two days. She does not feel well and you can tell that about your own fish if you know what I mean. I have read where some puffers close their gills for short periods of time for no reason. But she has had them closed almost constintly for the last two days. I believe that she has gill flukes. I plan to give her a fw bath but thought I should see if anyone has anything to input.
There is an eel and a damsel in with her in a 125 gal. She is 10 inches and my Q tank is only 20 gal. Can I put her back into the big tank after her bath or will she get fluked again? Should I remove all of the fish? I will find a way to do what needs to be done.


did your puffer ever recover from the flukes? If so , what remedies did u use? I have a queen angle which i belive may have flukes(neobenedenia). She was flashing and scratching constant;y until i gave a FW dip then i treated with some paraguard. she is still recovering.


Staff member
How long hav you had this fish? Is that closed gill reddened at all? Do you have a quarantine tank?


have you ever used PRAZIPRO or praziquantel ? Is it an effective medicaiton to erradicate parasites and can it be used in the DT if the LR and all inverts have been removed. thx


Staff member
I disagree that any medication is ok in any tank, particularly a tank that has, or will have LR in it.