Personality Suggestions?


Hi guys...
Most of you know I am finally at a point where I can add something to my tank, so here is the question.. hehe
I like gorgeous fish and all, but at this point I am most interested in personality.
The kind of animals that grow on you becaues they tend to do something odd, unique, or silly. I heard that there is a starfish that will surprise people with how fast it moves (Brittle?). I read stories on the board about how certain inverst, fish, etc have surprised them with some of their lil things they do. Considering Im new to this I would really appreciate knowing how hardy any suggestions are, but also, since Im newer to this, I havent seen ANYTHING other than hermits, snails, damsels and the likes. So I would imagine some stuff that you got over years ago, would blow my mind. hehehe
Please let me know...
PS - Burn we seem to have the same sense of humor, maybe the same ideas of whats really neat too... I would love to hear your suggestions. :)


I recently got a bicolor blennie. Very animated and amusing to watch. I definately recommend one if you want to go with small peaceful fish.


Active Member
I have a red scooter bleenie that is fun to watch but because your tank is new I would not recommend getting a bleenie.
My second favorite to watch is my cleaner wrasse. But once again with a new tank this fish is not recommended.
My third favorite is my royal gramma and if you have some live rock for one to hide in this can be a fun fish to watch. They like to dart in and out of the rock mostly at feeding time. Its kind of neat to see there little head poking out of a small space in the rock formation, go back into hiding and then poke there head out somewhere else.
I would suggest a Flame Hawk. I love my little guy...he is really full of personality! I also have a bi color blenny...he has a good personality too. My flame hawk and bicolor blenny are always caught sitting together, swimming together, eating together, etc. They are best buddies in the tank. :)


Active Member
I'm also in the process of setting up a new tank and the only fish in my tank is a Bangaii Cardinal. He is a beautiful fish! Quite the pig too! I don't know why nature gave him such a big mouth but when I feed him frozen brine he stuffs the whole piece in his mouth and then spits it out and then eats the smaller pieces. I thought about thawing out the piece first but the lfs folks said it doesn't hurt him and he likes to play with it.
Anyway, very hardy fish and really cool looking! ;)


6line wrass. I just got one and he is still in qt but I really like watching him. he is my fav. now. I think the neates thing about him is his eyes. they have 2 white lines that run the length of each eye and when he moves his eyes, it is soooooo cool. They sometimes sleep kind of stuck in a little hole in the rock and its too funny. they have great color and twist and turn around the rock and into little crevises. As you can tell, I love mine. I cant wait to add him to my display tank.


I agree with damsil, I love my flame hawk. He always has to where you at. Watching you. I was working underneath the tank, I looked up and their was the flame hawk sitting right above me just watching. He always has to be the center of attention to. Anyone that comes over always ask about the flame hawk.
I so agree with the recommendation of a Flame Hawfish! He has more personality than anyone else, he is The Red Baron! :D
Special consideration for my second fav, the lawnmower blennie. (Jack). Very cool. Always front and center and right up to the glass. And who can resist those Marilyn Monroe lips!!
My .02


Active Member
Alianated, sorry yo but I don't know much about fish.
I like the Mandarin and scooter blenny as they are both animated.
I like to sound of a Flamehawk, it is very unique.
I now have a Banggi Cardinal who seems to be in love with the Mandarin, he will lay on his side and sometimes rub the Mandarin when she is close to him. It is very unusual behavior and I thought he was sick the first time I saw it happen. It dosen't bother the Mandarin at all.

30 hex

My favorite is a purple psudochromis. small colorful and full of perssonality. they will play with you from the other side of the glass.very hardy and not in the least bit shy.wanting one is why i set up my tank again after 7 years.Cant wait till i cycle. :D :D


New Member
The 2 fish I think have the most personality can't go in a reef, unfortunately. Dog face puffers & parrot fish. Sooo funny to watch, and how can you refuse that ET face?
Back to the topic - I have a red lipped blenny that's been in my tank since it cycled about a yr ago. I think they're hardy - he's gone through a lot.
He's pretty funny. Sneaks around from rock to rock - thinking noone can see him. His eyes move like a little lizard. He'll dart out & grab food, then zip back to the rocks - thinking he's hidden. All you'll see are his eyes moving & it looks like he's staring right at you. Mine has a lot of personality - or maybe I just give him a lot. :)


Active Member
My vote for personality in a fish goes to the emperor angel. They are the dog of the fish world. Unfortunately they are not considered reef safe and should only be added to a large established tank. Other then that the flame hawk and royal gramma are good.


Well until your tank is a little more stable,your somewhat limited on what you can put in.You can't have a mandarine with the amount of rock you have now.Or a lawnmower blenny enless you have plenty of algea.And jups,I would love a parrot fish too but they like coral when they are adults.(like you said)Coral bueties have alot of character and so do clowns.Clowns are also a pretty hardy fish.They are fun to watch if you get an anemone and he likes it.


My favorite in my tank is my Arrow crab. His alien like spider legs that can bend in all directions make him amazing to watch. He can climb the glass in the corners and he is always looking for food. When people see my tank he always gets the first comment, ranging from "cool" to "scary looking".
As for those that say Arrows attack thier featherdusters, the first time the arrow came towards the duster I was concerned. it turns out he is just cleaning food off the dusters tube.
Alian - cool site


Active Member
My Royal Gramma also is a very interesting fish to watch. It's claimed a hole in the live rock as his domain. You'll see his head sticking out ... then whooooshhh... he flys out grabs some food, and then retreats back for awhile. Very nice coloring, always on the watch, and seems pretty hardy.
Down the road you may want to consider a Flame Angelfish - real nice colors and always active - he sort of rules my tank in the pecking order department - but does not nip at the corals or other fish.
Good luck - lots to choose from for sure :p


Ian, I will also throw in my votes for either Flame Hawk or some type of blenny. I used to have an Algae Blenny that looked like Don Zimmer... ;)
Your website is excellent.


Thanks for all the replies all...
I definitely must look into the hawkfish, hehe
Sounds awesome!
I know now why they say, "patience is a virtue in this hobby"
It's a battle of the will not to go buy all the animals you guys listed, hehehehe
Thanks for the comments on the site all.. Im really glad to hear it makes people smile. :)


Alianated- Depending on how big your tank is and how long it's been established, my choice for beauty would be a purple or blond naso tang. The challenging thing about tangs is they need lots of swimming room, and can be prone to parasites-but you can always add cleaner shrimps(very pretty and tons of personality).
My choice for personality is 1) a pair of sleeper gobies(white w/a tiny bit of blue around there face) 2) a lawnmower blennie, 3)or a watchman goby.
Good luck!! :p
ps- I would recommend investing in a couple of fish/reef books- you will always be reading, and refering, to them. Invaluable!!

dr. vanscoyk

New Member
Hello, I have a fish/invert tank and I would suggest a pair of true percs, clown fish,they love my bubble tip sea anenomes and always watch me when I am in front of my tank. Caution, once acclamated to a sea anenome, they will hang around there all the time, when they do this they swim through near by corals and may pick on them, so keep corals 7 or more inches form where they settle in. PS
Get anenomes first