Personnal Ads On Line


Active Member
Ok I am so bored at work I decide to go ahead and do a search in my surrounding area to see the men that are I am not looking for myself.........I was also interested in finding if I would see people on there that I know......
I did find folks on there that I know AND THEY LIED!!! TOTALLY and completely lied. Two lied about what there names are and their being SINGLE!!! Both live with women.
There was a guy that I went out with YEARS agop and has a gorgeous daughter lives with the girl.
Ad says, no kids, single.
Other one which is worse is married, of course SINGLE is there Marotal status.
I give props to those of you who go on here and meet folks. Cause if I have people I know that will out right lie then I am wondering about the folks I don't know.
Some of these folks look like Serial Killers or the picture they have on their profile looks like they just got out of JAIL!!


Active Member
Ok the women aren't any better!!
Wow saw this girl that I know VERY well who says she is very work Oriented and work for your dad cause no one else will hire you cause of your criminal back ground, right getting investigated for ID theft!!
LOVES to spend time with her kids..........................uhhhhhh is this after you have been out all night smoking weed and drinking??? Cause I seem to recall they are always with the momn that you BALCKMAILED!!


Active Member
I think a lot of men use those sites to find women to hook up with…not for serious relationships…sure women do the same.