Pest Control (house bombing)


Active Member
There have been times when we have bombed our house with those spray canisters - you set them off and leave the house for 8 hours type of thing. This was to control spiders, crickets, etc..(not cockroaches thankyou). Anyways - this was before saltwater tanks in my house, Is this out of the question now? If not what do I do to protect tank?

melissa v.

i am sure everyone on this board will tell you not to do this,
but i am a rebel i will tell you i have done this and it has not hurt my tank at all, you have to shut off the skimmer etc, the only thing i left running was the powerheads for water flow. and i wrapped the tank in aluminum foil (just the top and covered the whole thing with a heavy, heavy quilt.
i have done this twice and everything has worked out just fine.
hope this helps.
Melissa V.


Could I use the "cover you tank" system to keep paint fumes out of my tank while I paint the living room? I sure am tired of pink paint (I didn't do it) but the hubby won't let me paint for fear of our tank.


Active Member
Another great thing about this board. Full of experts from various industries. Thanks for the tip Kip!