Pfieffs new 24 gal aquapod pics and questions


I picked up a 24 gal aquapod with the upgraded MH lights to start my first saltwater tank. I'm running a skimmer and took the filters and bioballs out. I added 30#'s of LR yesterday and here are some pics:
Day 1:

Day 4:

The water seems a little cloudy, any suggestions on clearing it up? The water on the pump side in the rear chamber seems to be pretty dormit, does anyone else have these problems? I'm going to add a powerhead to increase some flow in the tank, any other ideas?


yeah turn the light off untill it clears up....the lights heat up the water and keep the sand suspended in the water.


Originally Posted by robzifer4
yeah turn the light off untill it clears up....the lights heat up the water and keep the sand suspended in the water.
Turned the light off for 12 hours and still seems cloudy. I wonder if my skimmer isn't up to par


New Member
Tank does look good, and the water does look cloudy but sometimes the dust from the sand can cling to stuff. It can cling to your sides of your tank. I had the same problem with my 12gal. Did you use crushed coral in there somewhere? if you did its a good idea to rinse that off before you put it in your tank, maybe you didn't rinse it out good enough. You can also try some water changes too, but i dont know if that will disturb your cycle...someone else will have to help you on that one... good luck


Things seem to be clearing up for the better...Ran some tests on ammonia, ph, nitrates and nitrites tonight and everything is pretty high. Testing again in a day or two.
Day 8:


it could be some bubbles from the skimmer, they are going away slightly now. I think it had to do with the sand settling and what not. I think once I get that other powerhead in there that it will make things a lot better. It's clearing up by the day.


Good choice on the AquaPod 24 with MH
I love mine. I got my MH as an after thought though. I spent $300 on a light so I can keep a $30 clam! Worth every penny, he's everyones fave in the tank (except the kids, they like "Nemo") Dont worry about everything being high, its a good thing! Be patient. Also, just as a warning, I have heard those Fission skimmers dont work that great. I have an AquaC Remora on mine, and I love it. I'd probably say that was the best investment by far on my tank. It pulls so much crud from the water. Anyway, good luck, and keep us posted with lots of pics!



Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I love the rockwork, but try to hide the maxijet.
Thanks, I'm trying to find a good place for it. I'm probably going to have to make a hole in the back wall and ride it back there.


Active Member
If you tank the "V" shaped thing off of it you may be able to fit it in behind your intake grating on the far right of the tank in the back chamber, then you won't have to cut a hole in your back wall.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
If you tank the "V" shaped thing off of it you may be able to fit it in behind your intake grating on the far right of the tank in the back chamber, then you won't have to cut a hole in your back wall.
I have my skimmer back there now so I'm not sure how i could get that to work. Ideas?