PFO 6500k Retro MH


I'm getting a PFO 150 watt MH and I'd like to know as much information on these as possible. It includes reflector and 6500k bulb along with everything else.
All I need is a hood which I will probably build myself. How thick should the hood be and how high should I put it over a 25 gallon tank? I was thinking of 10-12".
If I don't change bulb would 2-13 watt acitinic bulbs do or should change bulb?


i used 5/8" thick would for mine and i think 10-12" abouve the tank should be fine, it will help with the heat.


Active Member
I think you will do fine with it only 8" off top of water. Iam not sure but I think 6500k bulb has a yellowish color to it . Might go with a 10k bulb and actinics would be fine . Alot of people sayatleast 1/2" plywood but 5/8 probably give you peace of mind. Just my .02


Thanks for the replies....
For awhile I'm just going to run the 6500k with 2 13 watt blue pc's and see how corals do and how much I like it then I'll decide weither to change.


I have the 400watt PFO's with Iwasaki 6500k's at 10" above open water. They do look somewhat yellow, but they look like real sunlight hitting the reef. I use 440watts of VHO over each side and 2actinic/2daylight. The actinics do make it more balanced and pleasing to the eye. I would rather have my 6500's over the 10000's. After adding the MH's the purple grew like mad and my corals open up huge for the big lights. Oh yeah, my canopy is 3/4" pine.