PFO ballasts...(mr salty i would like your opinion too plz)


I have heard alot of good things about these tar ballasts, anyone else have any experince with them?? this is the deal too, anyone know where i can get a better price?? --PFO Dual 175 watt metal halide ballast with quick connect cord
Weight: 28 Lbs.
Price: $139.99

mr . salty

Active Member
I have no problems,or complaints about Tar ballasts.That is all I have.Two of them are 175watt MH,the rest are all NO flo's..The price sounds a bit high for the ballast alone though.I know a site where you can get a compleate single 175 retro kit for $75. <a href="" target="_blank"></A> These are the ones I have.But if you go with these,get better bulbs,the 55k's that come with the basic setup are awfull yellow.I run 10k bluelines on mine...


I have 400w MHs running 6500k Iwasaki bulbs. 3 are currently over my 200gal reef.
I have two PFO tar ballasts that are very reliable and economical that I would recomend to anyone, that I have never had any probs with.
I also have 1 electronic ballast from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for the middle MH lamp. I have noticed ZERO difference in output or color.
The only thing I like about the Blueline Electronic ballast is that it runs cooler than the tar ballasts. By how much, i can't say, but the tar bal. are too hot to touch, the E-bal. is not. Anyway, if you are on a budget, get the tar bal.
The only other difference about the E-ballast is that you can run ANY color temp bulb - provided it is the same wattage.
Hope that helps some. ;)