ph and nitrate levels


New Member
I so have a nitrate level, how do I bring that to 0, as well my pH is alkline, how do I get this more acidic? Do those buffers work for these type of situations for your pH level?


Active Member
Can you post your readings.
Generally water changes will bring down the nitrate. A DSB (deep sand bed) will also help.
Salt needs to be more alkaline not acidic, 8.2 range. Or are you to high? Water change may help this also. What type of salt do you use?
Post the results for more help.


New Member
The nitrates are near 0, not to worried bout that. I am going to get that down, though the pH is near 8.6. I think that is high, though water changes havent been doign all that much to bring it down. I have been wondering if it was something in my water. I have been toying between either, getting some marine buffer or trying an r/o, but I want the cheapest route, for now at least. Is the marine buffer worth the hype, or should I just end up with a water filtration unit for water changes.


New Member
btw, the salt i use is instant ocean.
I have been thinking bout getting more floridian sand actually....i only have 30lbs for a 110 tank, doesnt leave much on the bottom, think i may need another 30lbs.


Active Member
pH of 8.6 is high as you said.
I'd first double check this value against another test kit, or take sample to lfs.
I'd also suggest getting a pH reading on your current fresh water source to see if it is higher than normal. Salt mix manufacturers formulate their mix to give you a near pH of 8.2-8.3, but using high pH freshwater may be causing you problems ..... maybe.
Double check the measurements of both saltwater and freshwater against another kit and see what you get.
Good luck ........ ;)


Active Member
How old is your set up? IMO, a new sand bed may give you a high reading also. Their are alot of tiny particles buffering the water at first. After a few months it will settle out.
I use DI water catrige from Pharmaceuticals, works great. It completly strips the water of everything. It's about $15-18 online for a new cartrige. They last from 25-125 gallons depending on your water.
The reef buffers are supposed to stablize the PH at 8.2, but it also raises the alk. I use Seachem, (just started to) just read the bottle.
Good luck.


Buffers are generally intended to RAISE the ph-and then keep it there. There are two different kinds although if you try them there are the super buffers or reef buiders which do raise the kh as well as the ph and then are the simple marine buffers which just do the ph thing.
I'm with broomer though check your supply and your kit.


Active Member
yor alkalinity and calcium levels wouldnot hrut here either, and as broomer said, check...........
one other thing, at what time do you test your levels(8.6 is still too high, but if it is 8.6 early in the morn, then it prob goes even higher til night, and if it 8.6 in eve, then you only need ot bring it down a little)
also, what tests do you use? if they are strips, i would definitley try another kit


If your LFS will sell you RO water that might be the way to go. Are you using tap water now??
Most LFS's will sell RO water for 30-50 cents a gallon so it's not too bad if you don't want to invest in an RO unit just yet.


New Member
I use the tetra test kit. I have also used my friend's though I forget what brand he has. The tap comes out to 7.2 - 7.4, which isnt bad. Though getting an R/O unit doesnt sound half bad for one.
Also when I do test, its around 8 o clock at night.