PH at 7.8


I recently added a dose of copper to rid ick on my 40G. Since then, I noticed that my ph dropped to 7.8. No change in behavior of fish, but should I be worried. Should i add any additives?


I'm sorry to hear that you just used copper to your tank. :( I hope you have some carbon to remove it because it's going to be hard to get rid of it. Now, you may never be able to put any inverts in your tank. I had the same problem with my tank when my fish had ich. Now my copper level is still high and I can never add inverts in it. As far as your ph...try adding buffers or even baking soda to raise it back up.
Really, add some carbon as soon as posible. Try using a hospital tank next time your fish have ich or feed them garlic.


Copper is fine if you don't want inverts. Try adding an alkaline buffer to the water to help raise the pH. I've noticed that many people fail to check their pH as they think the coral substrate will keep it alkaline. This is not true as the tank matures. I always use a little buffer to my water when doing water changes. Also bring the pH up gradually, over a few days, so your fish can acclimitize.
i agree with setman. do not add any new livestock to your tank at this time. wait until your ph levels are back up to normal. i did this once and lost 90% of my tank livestock!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: !