PH Buffer


Active Member
I am sad to say it is really not the most meaningful question. Not meant in a bad way. You should be checking alkalinity and calcium, which are 2 of the (many) factors that impact pH. You should not add pH buffer- because simply it is not a pH buffer. It is an alkalinity buffer, and this can really mess up some delicate balances.
pH problems can be related to several things. Each tank is quite different.

jon in tx

Originally Posted by ophiura
I am sad to say it is really not the most meaningful question. Not meant in a bad way. You should be checking alkalinity and calcium, which are 2 of the (many) factors that impact pH. You should not add pH buffer- because simply it is not a pH buffer. It is an alkalinity buffer, and this can really mess up some delicate balances.
pH problems can be related to several things. Each tank is quite different.
I don't have a problem with my PH but my LFS has been giving me questionable advice so I'm learning to double check. They told me to put in a little bit of PH Buffer every 2-3 weeks as insurance to prevent any ph spikes. The exact product that was recommended was Kent Marine's Superbuffer-dKH. The package also recomends using at two weeks intervals to maintain. Are you saying this should NOT be used??


Active Member
It should only be used if your alkalinity is low. And you should test your calcium as well. These are all interrelated, and messing with one can cause major issues with others that can have major impacts on the tank.
It is not BAD to have, but I would not add it without testing alkalinity and calcium.


I'm having to add buffer daily on my tank cause my alk. will not get above 6. I have tryed different test kits and they all come up with the samething. My cal is 580. And no I'm not adding cal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clintjj
I'm having to add buffer daily on my tank cause my alk. will not get above 6. I have tryed different test kits and they all come up with the samething. My cal is 580. And no I'm not adding cal.
What buffer are you using? It has to contain calcium. 580 is really high and I can't believe there is any saltmix out there giving you a level like that.


kent marine pro buffer dkh. My cal was a 480 then I added the purple up and can't get it to come back down. I only added the purple up once....


Was using coralife salt so I guess I really need to check my magnesium. I'll have to go get that test kit later I have to go to work.


Active Member
I actually have to add buffer to my tank since i use a DeNitrator reactor. What happens is the water that comes out of the DeNitrator has no oxygen in it. The oxygen is depleted because the water is cycled over and over through sulfur and calcium. The water is then dripped back into the tank. My nitrates went from 80 to 0 in about 3 weeks. As the water drips back it goes into and overflow on the back of the tank and is aerated before it drips over into the fuge. My calcium is normal but my alk is on the top end. If I don't add the buffer then my Ph gets down to about 7.76 at night and occasionally down to 7.65 which scares the hell out of me. I add the buffer and get it up to 7.85 but never higher.
Lots of people use a DeNitrator and don't have this problem. I'm hoping it will get in line once the calcium in the DeNitrator goes up which it really hasn't by much.
Anyway that's why I have to add buffer and I really wish I didn't but can't find any other choice. I have heard about using limewater to drive up Ph but I don't know where you buy it at.