ph buffer


I am having trouble keeping my ph up and am thinking of buying a chemical buffer to get it from 7.8 to 8.2 or so. Is it safe to add this stuff to an existing tank? Will the shift stress fish, inverts, or corals? Which one do people recommend? Thanks for you time.


Active Member
how many times should i use my super buffer LordoftheReef? i use a quarter teaspoon each week when i do my weekly water change of 5 percent to lower my nitrates(slowly but surely*hopefully*)
the directions say to add it every two weeks to maintain a stable ph. i don't go by directions though. i add about an 1/8th of a teaspoon daily to all of my tanks when topping off some evaporation. i like to experiment with additives so be careful if you decide to do things this way.;)


Active Member
pH is affected by alkalinity and calcium
alkalinity is affected by calcium and pH
calcium is affected by pH and alkalinity
In order to get your pH level where you want it - it's important to know the other two levels.
Most often it takes more than just "one" additive to maintain good water chemisty.
I'd suggest getting test kits for all three variables - testing - seeing where ALL the levels are ~ then begin a dosing routine of one form or another.
It's not hard to do ~ but it is hard to do if you don't know where all the levels are currently in the tankwater.


Active Member
i never need a buffer- a fine aragonite bed- not overstocked- and regular waterchanges keep mu ph at 8.2 almost all the time i also dose w/ reef complete sometimes (when needed)


I also use Kent's supper buffer dkh and my ph is really stable. I have had very little fluctuation while using this. Hope it helps.