ph burn or disease?


New Member
we picked up an angelfish on the weekend that had a white marking near side fin that supposely was a scratch... the fish seemed to be doing great swimming about through the holes in the live rock... but, the white blotching continued to worsten within a day. By this morning the fish looked completely disoriented and struggling at the bottom of the tank. Our clownfish are doing great with no signs of problems. The dealer informed us that it was ph burn... we thought the levels were at 8.2 according to our Master Saltwater Kit. Can anyone explain to me how to correctly read the ph test kit? Should the colour match perfectly because are colour looked like it matched except it was more transparent. (analogy... instead of red wine it was rose) It did not appear to be brownish or yellowish. Do you think it sounds like ph burn? If it is ph burn, how did our tank get that way and how can we fix it?


Active Member
I think you need to find a new lfs. I have never heard of ph burn. If there is such a thing I think your ph is well within range at 8.2 and even if it was not exactly 8.2 it should be still within range with the coloration you described.


Active Member
in addition to what jimi said,
ph burn, any burn i ever saw, affected the whole area in contact, now since it is submersed completely in the solution in question, then i really gotta laugh at this one, the only way(if ther is such a thing), would be from dumping acid on it(the only way ot get a spot, is if it hit a particular area only), and high ph is basic, not acidic, i suppose a base could cause aproblem, but to burn fish in spots with water that is touching the whole fish, htat is almost not even worth mentioning(does he moonlight at comedy shops)
salt can really irritate them, if it comes in direct contact, maybe that is a possibility