pH/cal/alk question?


My params are:
Sal 1.024
Temp 78
pH 8.1 (lights have been on for hours, has been tested recently as low as 7.8)
cal 500+++
alk 1.5
Nitrates 0
so, everyhting looks just fine, healthy all good except for a recent cyano bloom that seems to be dying off. I have not done a water chance in a couple of weeks, so I'm due, and will get that done this week, but I wanted to get a beter understandign of my water chemistry.
Obvioulsy, I'd like to raise my pH - I thought that pH/calcium was a "see-saw" - is cal/alk the see-saw?
Anyway, I dont want to add any buffer, as Im under the impression most of them will raise my calcium levels...hmm...
any advice? what;s up? how did my calc get Sooo high? (actually thought my test kit was bad and went to buy a whole new one:confused:


Active Member
Calcium and Carbonate Alkalinity are the see-saw.
pH is affected as well - but you'll see the up/down relationship with the cal and alk for sure.
If you're not adding calcium is some form - then three things could be leading to your higher than normal calcium levels.
1) Your test kit is giving you inaccurate results
2) You've allowed your alkalinity to drop and in doing so - when you mix up and add new saltwater - you're seeing the rise in calcium.
3) Your using tapwater that has a very high calcium level to begin with.
Or a combination of the above.
What are you using for freshwater for saltmix and top offs ?
What calcium test kit are you using ?


I hope you have a 4th reason ;)
1) Thought it was the test kit (fastest) - so I dropped $30 on a fancy seachem kit that requires a DI dilution processm and comes with a control samples calibrted at 400 ppm
2) not sure I understand this --- "allowed" alk to drop?!? Can you reccomend a additive that will raise alk, and resuce cal?
3) RO/DI FW only - and Tropic Marin...
Thanks on clarifying the cal/alk relationship as a seesaw...I'm feeling a bit thick about this whole pH/cal/alk realtionship --- can you reccomend a good "water chemistry for Idiots" link ;)