ph help


How do I lower my ph? lfs doesn't have and ph down stuff- Does it matter if I use just reg. ph down, or is it different for freshawter and salt water?????

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
First of all what is your pH? The reason I ask is that this is usually only a problem when it comes to dosing kalk. Although there are many recommended pH values, IMO up to 8.5 is fine, with 8.6 being an absolute limit. I shoot for 8.2 to 8.4, but it is more of the swings that should be looked after. Also, depending on the time of the day you tested, it is typical for pH in healthy tanks to swing up to .4 (8.0 to 8.4 for example). I counteract my drop through a kalk drip at night. pH will also tend to lower over time in aquariums due to a build up of acids, so water changes are key. That's a lot to take in, but usually the worry is LOW pH as opposed to high. If you use a test, test in the morning before the lights go on, and then later in the day a couple hours before the lights shut off. There will DEFINATELY be a difference, although you may not see it with a standard color tester. HTH

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Are you adding anything to the tank supplement wise. If not, I would definately try another test kit on the pH. That's sounds way out of line. Don't add anything until you get that resolved. New tank or not, something is abnormal. I have a digital pH monitor on my tank, and the highest it's ever gotten is 8.7 after I left kalk dripping too long.


Active Member

Originally posted by Brooklyn Johnny
cycling or not 8.8 isn't normal stingray... definately find out if it's actually 8.8 or your testing wrong first...

cant say that enough.
have it checked again and also check your alk and calcium too.
and I assume you are refering to a NEWly cycled tank, right? NOt a new, just set up and filled tank? just to clarify for others. ;)


two weeks ago I set up my 55 gallon tank- has a fluval 404 and prizm skimmer, but the skimmer isn't on yet- Butsome brand called "Cycle" into my tank to speed up the cycleing process- the ph is arounf 8.8 or 8.7.... Just wanted to know what the next step is... Should I put live rock in the tank? If so, I will make an order of here next week.


Active Member
I'm curious .....
What pH test kit are you using ?
What type of freshwater did you use to mix your salt ?
What brand of saltmix did you use ?


New Member
I have found that adding fresh collected oystershells{boiled}& any other shellfish with high calcium content tends to manage ph quite well.Just watch that the water for too much hardness & use additives & water changes as needed.


New Member
I agree with several other posts.If your tank is cycling,let it finish,stabilize & then worry about ph & other levels.Add nothing more until this occurs.
Hope it works out.


I agree with the others,,, Leave your tank alone while cycling and when all is said & done with the amm, nit, nitrates then adjust the Ph levels maybe by a water change when cycling is complete. DON'T add fish to water with that PH, you will lose them, and "IF" they lasted....(I doubt it)...for sure wou will lose them in the cycling process with the spikes occuring. GL~MarSea