PH high


Active Member
The best thing to do is figure out why your pH is low or why it is high.
Low pH can be caused by severeal things including;
Poor brand of saltmix.
Low alkalinity of your tank water.
Poor tankwater circulation and/or gas exchange at the tankwater surface - leading to increase in carbon dioxide - which can lead to an increase in carbonic acid formation - that will rapidly pull your pH down.
Lower than normal salinity.
For low pH - add a pH buffering product until it falls within your desired range, or do small water changes with mixed saltwater of a pH of 8.2 - 8.3, to slowly bring it back up over an EXTENDED period of time.
Increase water circulation and surface agitation.
High pH can be caused by excessive addition of buffering compounds.
Overdosing kalkwasser to fast.
Using tap water that is extremely high pH to mix your salt mix.
Higher than normal salinity.
For high pH - so frequent SMALL water changes using mixed saltwater of a pH of 8.2, to slowly bring it back down over an EXTENDED period of time.
Both low and high pH can be caused by adding alkalinity and calcium supplements in the wrong ratio's, which can lead to ionic imbalances - basically whacking out your water chemistry.
Water changes over a period of time may help to correct these imbalances.
Tankwater temperature - does have an affect on the pH - although slightly.
The key to any pH adjustment is to go very slow, and do not try to correct any highs or lows too fast. Doing so many times can cause stress to the plants and animals in the tank and kill them.