Ph is low, what should I do?


Just tested water, everything was right on the spot, except for the PH...which read 7.8. What should I do? Dont wanna hurt any of my corals, clams, ect. I know there is "PH +-" you can get to keep it at 8.2, does that work?


Active Member
I use propper ph 8.2, i mix it in the garage in my little salt water making factory, and if you use it according to the directions (1 scoop per 10 gallons) it works good


Active Member
Only problem with Proper PH 8.2 is that it cranks up the alkalinity . To safely raise your PH I recommend getting Seachem`s Marine Buffer as it raises ph without raising the Alk .


Active Member
That would depend on how soft your water allready is. I dont have that problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
That would depend on how soft your water allready is. I dont have that problem.

Just because you don`t doesn`t mean other people won`t . Using that stuff can be dangerous in a reef tank .


Active Member
I completely agree with you that is why your water should be tested before adding some chemicals to see where you stand.