PH is still too low help


I took everyones advice and purchased a new test for PH and the alkalinity kit is on the way. The new PH kit read the same as the old one about 8.0 These kits are hard to read, does anyone else have this problem?
Does anyone know where i can get a digital PH meter, someone in here remarked about one once and i didnt get to ask them more about it, but i would like to get one.
All other parameters are good and the fish and inverts are doing fine which suprises me for low PH.
Any help would be appreicated


Active Member
I totally agree with you about the kits being hard to read. My Calcium kit takes forever and my PH could be +-.4. This is not a good thing. Especially when I pass it to someone else who doesn't know what is "should" be.
I am also looking for a digital PH reader. I've seen them between $60 and $200 but havent heard any oppinions on what is good. A controller would be nice but nobody here ever comments on them either.


Active Member
you can get them from alot of places but I wont name themon here. You can email me if you want. Have you tried using a buffer to stabilize your Ph?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I highly recommend the "Pinpoint pH Monitor" as many others will. You get the pH to the hundreths of a decimal (i.e. 8.14 as opposed to just 8.1) and they are under $100. Pump the name I gave you into google and you should find many stores that carry them ( doesn't or I'd recommend them ;)) I calibrate mine once a month using the 7 and 10 solution... so just $2 a month. These are worth their weight in gold to me, as I drip kalk nightly and this always give me piece of mind. I know what you mean by "Is that 8.0... or 8.2... or 7.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate those kits and use a monitor for all I can... I'm waiting on the digital calcium monitor :D
I agree about the kits, enough to give me a headache when I get through all of the tests! I am also curious about pH meters. I have used them in biology labs at previous jobs, but they were pricey.
I had a low pH problem when I used Coral Life salt. I remedied that with Kent Super Buffer and switched to Instant Ocean salt. No problems that I can 'see' now. Try the super buffer, its easy and it works.
Good Luck,

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Keep in mind even in healthy reef tanks it's common for pH to fluctuate daily up to .4 units (i.e. 7.9 to 8.3). Many people who don't own pH monitors don't realize this... another great advantage!


Active Member
8.0 is a little low. I would be concerned just yet.
What time do you take the test? When lights first turn on- midday- before they turn off- or are they off?
PH is low at night and morning, rises through the day.
Do you have a refug? That helps stabilize PH swings.


Thanks for all of the tips.
I use kent marine buffer once a day for about a week with no results.
i do not have a refugium but do plan to get one. The main reason this problem concerns me is that i plan to begin placing corals in the tank and i want to be ready when i get them so to have the least amount of casualties.
I am also glad to hear that i am not the only one with problems reading the test kits. I find myself guessing mainly on PH and Nitrates but calcium is pretty easy with the test i have.:D


Oh yea i usually test between 4pm and 6 pm and the lights are on a timer to come on a 2:00 and go off at 10:00pm