PH level


New Member
I am getting a small (29gal) reef tank established. 10% water changes every two weeks. It has been about two months since I have set up the tank. I have crabs and snails right now. I am conerned my ph is getting to high, can anyone tell me the best way to keep it low? Ammonia looks good.


Staff member
I have the same question, as a matter of fact. I have an established tank and my PH is 8.6. I do use distilled or RO water which will increase PH. I'm not looking to lower PH, but was wondering if anyone had any experience or knowledge about systems running at the higher level of ph.
A not on PH. Higher ph can be a real problem when there is ammonia in your system. Thus, don't try to make your tank more alkaline when you are having ammonia problems


It's pretty rare to have a HIGH ph, So check the ph of your water source, if it is already high or at least fine, then make sure you do not add any buffers thus increasing it further. Most people add buffering products automatically, whether or not they need them. So read the labels on the products you're using.


Staff member
Yeah, I think its strange too, that I have high PH, especially since I have an established tank, as well as high nitrates. However, I think it is because I am using bottled distilled water. I do not add anything to change ph, thus far anyway.


New Member
Beth, distilled water should have a PH 7.0, this may vary slightly but not much, just 1/10th or so. This being so I can't imagine that using distilled water would have anything to do with RAISING your PH. Have you tested the PH right out of the bottle?