Ph Level


What is a good product to raise my PH level ? I have tried AP proper PH 8.2 and a 310 gm bottle ($17.00 ) did not do much to a 125 gal tank ?? Is there something on the market that works well ?

michael r

The best way to raise your pH would be to (if you aren't able to place it on the bottom) place a bag of crushed coral or aragonite sand into a netted bag and then into your filter.
The substrate will naturally raise your pH and will keep it steady. Many bacteria will colonize on the media so it can be doubly used as biological filtratrion. Most pH up products only work temporarily, and cause much more harm than good.


7.8 is not terrible. Alkalinity is a much more reliable factor for determining how well your system is able to buffer the water. If you keep the alk stable then the ph will stay stable right along with it. Using those additives to raise ph has never worked for me. And even when they seemed like it might work it was only for a couple of days.
Here is an example of how my tank usually runs.
PH stays right around 8.0
dkh is at 10 (alk)
When I do a water change I need to add just a little bit of sechem reefbuilder which helps raise the alk slightly and that is all I need. For some reason my alk drops a little bit every time I do a water change without adding anything for the alk. Results may vary.