PH level


I had no problem with my PH; it was always right on, till I moved. I cannot seem to raise my PH above 6.6 -7. I have tested my water and everything else is good. I have done two water changes in the last two weeks. I have tested the new water both time and they were good. I am using RO/DI water. What could be the problem and why would my PH diminish in the tank. Any help would be vary much appreciated. THANK YOU


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by icebreaker
I had no problem with my PH; it was always right on, till I moved. I cannot seem to raise my PH above 6.6 -7. I have tested my water and everything else is good. I have done two water changes in the last two weeks. I have tested the new water both time and they were good. I am using RO/DI water. What could be the problem and why would my PH diminish in the tank. Any help would be vary much appreciated. THANK YOU
IMHO you have disturbed the system, increasing carbon dioxide therefore decreasing pH. (and you should also measure pH just before lights out),
Increasing algae will increase the just before lights out pH as the algae will consume carbon dioxide and return oxygen.
Plus the tank will also just settle down which will also increase pH as the tank matures.
my .02