ph low

Lately my ph reads about 7.92 in the morning. After I add my standard buffer (ESV B-Ionic) it goes up to about 8.17. Then throughout the day it gradually drops until just after lights out when it's usually around 8.06. My alkalinity levels are good. Is this normal?
I've got crushed coral in the tank and live sand (8+ inches deep in fuge). I use a Hagen Carbonate and Hardness test which says my carbonate hardness (Kh) is ~120 mg/L. According to the test booklet this is on the high side of normal.

kris walker

Active Member
Yes, that is a little on the high side of normal, so that is not the problem. I would probably just raise your pH. If you can move your daytime pH up to 8.3-8.4, such nightly fluctuations will not be as hazardous (total range would be 8.4-8.2). When pH dips below 8.0, inverts have problems and often die from what I've heard.
I don't know much about the two-part Ionic component treatment, but using kalkwasswer instead will help keep your pH high.


Active Member
If your going to keep using the b-ionic then be careful with the kalkwasser.Mix up about a gallon up and go slow.Just keep testing it.Though you may want to add just a little more b-ionic when dosing.Maybe once a week.