ph problems


I have had my tank now for 1 year and I am still having the problem of my ph falling to 7.8. Does anyone have any recommendations on what to do or use?


When does it fall to 7.8.? PH of tanks usually drop when the main lights come out. What are parm of your tank. We will need more information in order to give you a better answer. :)


my ph doesnt just fall it just stays around 7.8 I can get it up to 8.2 but then it falls back down overnight. It is a 75 gal, live sand, 80 lbs live rock, yellow tang, hippo, lionfish, puffer, blennies, dwarf angle, clown,4 crabs, urchin,2 star fish, 2 oysters, and a couple of things that came off my liverock that look like they can be snails or something of the sort. I have a sea clone skimmer and a wet/dry system. I us ro water only.


Are you adding any supplements?? Like the ones that are supposed to "increase your PH"??
If you don't have the test kits, take a sample to your LFS and ask them to test your...
nitrates and
Until then...
How are you oxygenating your tank?


I am using a reef buffer to raise ph to 8.2 and I am using the wet/dry system and bubbles and 1 jet for oxygen


Quit using the reef buffer. It does not work as simply as they try to make it sound. It doesn't actually raise your PH, it raises you alkalinity and if it was low to begin with, then THAT would raise your ph. If you have been adding it and getting unsuccessful results your problem is most likely not low alkalinity. And after you add enough of this stuff, it will precipitate in your tank causing your alk levels to drop drastically, causing your ph to drop, but the solution is not adding more.
I am not sure if you have enough oxygen, so I will relay a test I have seen posted on this board, (wish I could remember who posted this originally) but put some tank water in a small bucket with an airline and airstone running in with it. After a few hours test your ph, if it is .2 different than your tank, your tank isn't getting enough oxygen.
Your PH is a combined water chemistry of a bunch of different things, alk and calcium are usually the first things we check, then oxygen and of course ammonia levels will bring the number down too... :thinking: