pH Problems


Active Member
i cant get my pH right. i am still in cycle and my pH dropped to 7.4. how do i bring it up. and how to keep it there. please help these are common things that i should not be having problems with. but i am almost curtain that it is me. so what should i be doing


Active Member
i am using 200 lbs of LR and 150 lbs of LS from a previously established tank. also used some water from the old tank to. it has been cycleing 3 weeks shouldnt the cycle be almost done.


Active Member
PH drop can be caused by several things....I don't believe the theory it will settle itself after the cycle....... :scared: :notsure: What is your PH on new mix saltwater? When are you checking your PH?


Active Member
i just made some water about an hour ago, so 2marrow i will post the pH level. i use tropic marin in the tank. and i also use a saltwater master test kit. i tested the water around 5:30 tonight and it looked like it read at 7.4. i know its to low dont know how to fix it.


Active Member
Yeah let the new salt mix aerate for 24hrs and check......Is it possible your PH test kit is old outdated? That does happen from time to time.....PH can be supressed by to much CO2 and other things as well.....If your checking your PH with the lights off could give you a different reading then with the lights on.....Try to check your PH in your display about midway through your light cycle.....That is where it should possibly be around it's highest.....
Honestly I don't believe it's necessary to run a tank at 8.3.....Some of the nicest tanks are done at much lower PH's, and I think the biggest key is keeping it steady and preventing the major swings.....


Active Member
my new batch of water that i tested is 8.4. thats crazy so im gonna retest my DT when i get home from work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
my new batch of water that i tested is 8.4. thats crazy so im gonna retest my DT when i get home from work.
What brand of salt? What's your Alk as well.


Active Member
i use tropic marin. and i did an Alk test and it seems kinda low. 4-5 range...
acrylic51 here me out. does this sound like it can happen. tonight i tested the DT and the pH was 8.2-8.4 right were it should be. i think i used fresh tap water to prerinse the test tube, then used the DT water to test it. can that happen. and how can i get my Alk up. and is that a pic of your kid. if so shes adorible. at first glance looks like one of my buddys kids.


Active Member
I''m not sure what your referring too???? 4-5???? Are your talking about your reading in DKH or Meq/l???? It really makes a difference......You said your water in the DT tested between 8.2-8.4???? That to me is alot of gray there anyway you can narrow it down a bit more?? 8.2 IMO isn't a bad PH.....I think running at 8.4 is alittle high though.....I think the big thing is keeping it steady than rather shooting for that perfect 8.3.......
Honestly I don't believe rinsing your test tubes with tap water would make a whole lot of difference....I always rinse with tap water myself, but shake them a couple of times before adding my sample solutions though........
Alk can be adjusted several ways.....If I have on hand I use Kent SuperDKH buffer, and baking soda will work just as well.....Any chemical addition needs to be done slowly and monitored......At times it may take a full 24hrs to get an accurate reading on the adjustments you've made to the system......You also have to remember that if your PH is running at 8.4 like your tests might be indicating, by adjusting your Alk you could possibly raise the PH even more....I've done some playing with meters and by mixing buffer and adding to the system you can easily see on a meter how the PH jumps rather high, but you'll see it come back down.....I don't know with your situation with your PH on the high side by trying to raise the Alk if you'll drive the PH higher....
I would honestly try to get a specific PH figure, even if it means buying a new test kit, a PH monitor or having the LFS test it for you to give you a good base number to start with......All numbers should be looked at carefully before tinkering IMO.......Another good possible way to get things back in check safely would be to do a series of water changes......That way it could balance itself out naturally....


Active Member
Ocean water runs anywhere from 7.8pH in the open ocean to 8.3ph in reef areas. As long as your pH is stable I wouldn't worry about it unless it runs for sure below 7.8 and for sure above 8.3.
I say "for sure" because I have a digital meter that I calibrated 3 times 2 days ago and consistently reads as 7.66 as a low to 7.75 as a high yet I perform a pH test with a Red Sea, and Salifert pH kits and they both read 8.0. I believe my probe is bad and need to replace it. So, make sure your test kit is good. You might try taking a sample to your LFS and have them check it.


Active Member
sorry i did mean my dkH was between 4-5. the pH reading was alittle more on the 8.2 side just slightly off thats why i said 8.2-8.4 range.Kent SuperDKH buffer just ordered 2day. now with the water changes im still in cycle. actually should be almost done. should i do a water change and how much. my pH has been steady now. i dont know what i did wrong though. so what do i do with the dkH. isnt that 4-5 range to low. and whats your thoughts with this combo vital. is it any good. or no good.


Active Member
Looking at the chart your Alk is way off......That is if your sure your DKH is between 4-5DKH???? Natural Sea Water has a DKH of 8 or alkalinity of 2.9. I would honestly try to get my DKH up around 8.3-9, but do it slowly and see how the tank reacts....


Active Member
i have a dkH test made by Lazy Reef. i just tested the water and its deff 4. it says add the number of drops and divide by 2. the solution changed from blue to yellow when i put in the 8th drop. it turned yellow. so 8 divided by 2 is 4. i think im reading this right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
As long as your pH is stable I wouldn't worry about it unless it runs for sure below 7.8 and for sure above 8.3.

stability is the key
you can run successfully anywhere between 7.8 and 8.3 as long as its stable.
you are going to get fluctuations between day/night.