PH proper 8.2...just put it in and corals closed up


My ph was low, 7.8...I got some proper ph 8.2...(two pack) followed the directions. I took about a gallon of my water out in a bucket, mixed one package up (for 20 gallons, my tank is a 30) and put it back into the tank. All my corals closed up big this normal?


Active Member
Check your alk . I posted in your other thread stating not to use that stuff as it is bad to use especially in a reef tank .


Active Member
you should dilute that stuff in water first then add it. my mushrooms reacted that way as well. they were fine in about an hour. I also posted if your water is soft the rise in alk will not matter because it wont get alk high.test your water raw for alk levels
yea perfectly fine. i poured some diluted buffer into my tank and my corals closed up a bit. some even looked like they got burned.
so yea dont worry too much about it


Active Member
I have heard horror stories using that product in reef tanks on another forum. I believe the person lost a couple corals and fish with it. I don't know why.
But why not use kalkwasser in your top off water if you have an auto-top-off system going? It will keep your ph up and provide calcium to your reef inhabitants. You can use upto 3 tsp per gl top-off.
If you are using it already and your ph is not staying up around 8.3-8.5 than there is somehting with your system that needs to be corrected whether high co2 or high organic load not being converted/removed, etc.


Active Member
I agree with the above. First you need to seek out the source of your low pH, then go from there.
Not familiar with the product, but an immediate change in pH from 7.8 to 8.2 properly did, at the very least, startly your corals into closing up.
Check all of your other parameters.