pH question for ya


I recently got a digital pH tester so I've been testing the water at different times of the day. With lights and without lights.
Last night I dripped kalkwasser for top off. Roughly 2 liters worth with a drip per second. The water is RO/DI. I just tested the tanks water out of curiosity sake and the pH is at 8.6. Thats high in comparison to the normal 8.2-8.3 range I have been getting day or night.
So have I "overdosed" the tank or is this a typical reading after dosing? I stopped it after taking the reading and will watch it before and after the lights start to come on just to see where it goes. Anyone with similiar results?


You may have "overdone it" a little bit. Not to worry though. Properly mixed Kalk has a PH around 12.0, and will spike the PH in your tank if it is added too fast. Try dripping at a lower rate, and more often, to maintain Calcium levels. Better to dose slowly, all of the time, than to put in too much once or twice a week. I drip my Kalk constantly (slowly), and don't have a problem with PH spikes. My PH is a little higher than I would like, but hopefully my reactor will be finished soon, and this will be repaired.. :D