PH question for your fish !!


New Member
Does anyone know a GOOD instrument or a device that measures PH in a saltwater FO tank accurately? I keep looking at a colored piece of paper to get a reading and am not sure if thats accurate or not.
Plus..where should the PH be around? 8.3? ... 8.4?
I have a couple of clowns, a tang, and a flame angel in the tank. They are doing well, and everthing else is fine.
BUT, for some reason, I'm just worried that the PH MAY be off.
I need something accurately to measure this ... don't I?
Thanks for any input.


New Member
That's what I was looking for. $60 was a little high, but I guess you get what you paid for. This should work perfectly.


You can find pH meters on ----! That is where I got mine and I love it. Much easier to read then the coloered strips or colored water.


New Member
Got my PH Meter today and it works great! Calibrated it right off the bat and came off with a PH of 8.1.
Seems pretty accurate.
The information says that this device is only good for 'perhaps a year' or so. Is this true....or does it depend on how much you use it?
Where can I get, locally, PH water at 7.0 to calibrate it again if necessary? I hate to spend a lot of money for just a small bottle of PH water 7.0. There must be a better way....and cheaper get this.


I think you can buy replacable end pieces(whatever they are) for your PH meter, when they expire.
Not sure, but look at some on ----, they will usually give you an option to buy replacements.