
i have a 75 gallon FO tank the lfs told me i need to put ph buffer in my tank, why is it important that the ph stays up? what is the importance of ph in a tank? what does ph affect?


Active Member
My LPS informed me that using a buffer helps the ph level stay between 8.2-8.4 but everytime I use it my ph jumps to 8.2 and then goes right back to 8.0.
Everytime I used the buffer my fish would get stressed. I've decided that since my ph is always at 8.0 (night or day) that until I see problems in the tank I'm leaving it alone.


My PH seems to stay up around 8.6. I can't seem to keep it lower even with a 25% water change. I don't see signs of strees so I am just going to leave it alone


Active Member
I can never get my pH to stay much above 8.0-8.1, even with a buffer. Never had any problems because of it.


Active Member
I just lost almost all my fish because the Ph was low, (7.4). It didn't say it was low on my chart, but the liquid testers don't work very well, that was an expensive lesson. Don't let your Ph get below 7.8! :D ;)