ph Question


We are setting up our 75 gal tank, added LR yesterday to help cycle it, and everything seems to be going smoothly. The only thing that seems out of whack is the ph. It is at 7.9, and is staying there. From what I have read it should be between 8.1 and 8.4. Is this low enough to be concerned about, or is it better to not mess with it and just try and keep it at it's normal 7.9? If I do need to raise the ph I have read that adding baking soda, slowly, works well. Is that the preferred method, or is there a better way? The biggest concern I have is that if I start dumping stuff in to get an *ideal* level on everything it will not be real stable and will turn into a constant battle to maintain the stability. Am I wrong here?


Active Member
do not use baking soda, it may help, but is too questionable, it is difficult to measure properly
first i would che, my alk, and see how that is, and then go to the lfs and get either an alkalinity buffer(if needed) or a ph increaser, depending on which you need ot increase, a low alk will give you problems keeping your ph up where it is supposed to be at


Thanks for the suggestion. We have run all the tests, but the numbers are at home and I am not. I belive the alk was okay, but I'll double check when I get home and go from there. So, I am assuming you think I should try and adjust this level? I do know that ph will drop over time, but if I am able to raise it to the 8.1-8.4 level will it stay at that level for an acceptable length of time? IOW, will it stabilize there until the normal decress in ph starts to happen?
Thanks again,


you are cycling your tank with lr. did you add the sand yet if not when you do add it get an aragonite sand that will help with the ph also. the sea chem ph and alk buffers seem to work real well, i like them. but there are many other kinds to check out. if you get a stable alk that should help stablize the ph these two together work side by side.


a sb is better because it turns into a natural denitrater where the cc becomes a nitrate factory also with the cc you will have to vaccum it all the time to help keep it clean