Phone Number


I need to know if anyone has noticed the phone number they have posted on this site. If you haven't go to the Online Shopping page, go to the very bottom and go to Ordering info/Shipping rates. The number 1-877-SALTFISH will be right there. What I want to know is if you can order fish straight off the phone or if you can only order special items from the phone. If anyone has any information on this it will be greatly appreciated.


New Member
I've tried calling...and never get an answer. The message tells you to leave your name and number...but they never call back. I think your best bet would probably be just to order online...IF you want to order from this site, as it seems nobody cares enough to deal with the phone.


The one area that this company seems to be lacking is telephone support. It took me over a week of calling every day several times a day to get to speak to a live warm body. I have oreder stuff online and the response was excellent. If your concerns are the security of online purchasing, don't worry. Online purchasing is actually more secure than handing your credit card to a store clerk that can get a physical copy of your credit card AND signature (think about it.... Don't tell me you don't use an ATM either). But back to the issue of lack of telephone support. I think we should all email these guys and tell them the personal side of this website (human contact) is just as important as online side. I will now step down off my soap box.


I have also emailed them a few times and only received responses less than fifty per cent of the time. CUSTOMER SERVICE .... HELLO
As fas as the bulletin board goes, this is awesome