Phospate QUestion


Okay i read the thread but it still leaves me alot of unanswered question. 1st, About 2 month ago i have a HUGE phospate problem 5.0 mh/l lots and lots and lots of Cyno and hair algae. i panicked and bought a phospate remover. i put it in my HOB and 4 days later the phospate drop to 0 mg/l (i still keep the phospate remover on the HOB, should i remove it?). but now....i kinda look at my LR and i found that the Coraline growth is slow is this normal growth for Caroline? or has i stop the proper cycle for my tank. 2nd, Phospate is it important to the ecosystem of our tank? thanks in advance for helping me out guys.

nacl freak

Yes, you should remove phosphate filter. Over feeding, along with tap water are the major causes of phosphate spikes. Phosphorus is utilized, in small amounts, in the reef systems. Calcium is the main building block for your coraline growth. Just as human bones need Ca for strong bones, we also have to have phosphrous in order for our bodies to properly utilize the Calcium. You should be testing for your Ca, Mag and dKH. Hope this helps.:hi