Phosphate in Tap Water



I have high phosphates in my tap water, will a RO/DI unit remove these, or will I have to do something else.
Today was the first day I did a 20 % water change with r/o instead of tap water. The difference was unbelieveable, Nitrates went from .20 to .05 I would recommend using r/o from what I heard from all these people and the results of my tank. I was doing a 20 % change every two weeks and getting the same results, high nitrates and nitrites and low ph. I'm sorry I got on a rampage my water had alot of phosphates and the r/0 helped that too. It seems to change your whole water chemistry.
Originally posted by TYRANT:
I have high phosphates in my tap water, will a RO/DI unit remove these, or will I have to do something else.

[This message has been edited by obsessedwithfish (edited 02-26-2000).]


I appreciate the feedback. I am having the same problem: the nitrites, nitrates, and phosphates kept coming back even with 10% water changes every 2-3 days. I spent the afternoon shopping for a RO/DI filter. I hope that this solves my problem.