phosphate levels/diatom prob.


Im still trying to find the secret behind my brown sand.My phosphate test came in and I tested my tank.The reading was 0.5. Is this high enough to cause problems?My tap tested about the same.Im going to add a new phos-zorb. ....I also remembered adding a small bag of marine sand(estes) I didnt want to buy another bag of southdown.Could this cause a brown sand problem?


.5 phosphate :scared:
I've just started on the phosphate kick too and according to my kit .3 is considered MAX level. Mines at about .2 and its still too high for me. I have Rowaphos in my HOT filter and hopefully I can get it down to <.1
You say your tap tested at .5 ? I'd have to say thats where your problem most likely is. I've tested my RO water and its where my tank should be <.1