Phosphate problem -- did you know??


Recently my shroom were going downhill, water parameters tested fine but why was my shrooms dying?????? My anemonies and zoo's were fine! why only the shrooms?
Took a water sample to a LFS they tested my alkalinity - fine
nitrate --- high --
nitrite -- good
SG - 1.025
He also tested my phosphate and it was sky rocket high!!!
My basic test kit came with
ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH
Are there other tests I should buy to monitor my reef tank?
I learned that those cube foods are high in phosphates as well! So it was recommended to feed my tank dry food w/cyclopeeze. Did you all know that? I didn't!!!
any opinions? or recommendations?


You overfeed. I have always used frozen cubes and test my trates and phosphates often and they remain at 0.
But that is good info to know, I have always been careful, now I will do it conciously. :happyfish


Active Member
Sorry to hear that, Keonia.
Hope ya get it straight, soon. I read about testing for phosphates on here. I . . uh. . don't use . . .uh . . .the best . . .OH ALRIGHT!! I'll just spit it out. I DON"T USE RO DI WATER!!

Anyway, good luck to ya. This is a cheer for you -- ---> :cheer:


Thanks Tizz & Farmboy
Just thought I would post because there's probably alot of other people who didn't know.
I dont use RO/DI water yet. I bought one from spencka but havent hooked it up yet. Im afraid I don't know quite how yet. Plus I rent so more so I dont want to damage anything until i can read about it more!!!


!!!!!!!!! yikes I didn't know that Snailheaven!
I ended up buying one of those separate tests for phosphate and I guess those phosphate remover bags to place on my filter will be a permanent part of my tank!
Another electric plug! :notsure:


One thing you have to remember is that this hobby is like life. In other words, one can never know enough, and you never know as much as you think you do. It takes years to master this hobby, and like life, you learn as you go.


when you run a phosphate sponge, make sure you read the directions on it thoroughly. You can only leave in the sponge for 8-12 hours. after that, it'll start breaking down and releasing more phosphates back into your system.
I've read that for a reef tank you should also test for magnesium.


New Member
Hello Keonia, I noticed on another thread you are in Lexington. Do you still have frags from time to time. I've had my tank setup for about 7 weeks and am looking for other Lexington Reefers. Hope to hear from you soon.


Active Member
Well I guess I am odd man out, as I have yet to test for phosphates, I use rodi water, do not over feed, feed only locally prepared foods or pelleted types, and all is doing fine. I do not see any point in testing for all those trace elements, if your using a good salt mix and do proper water changes. Only additon I add and test for is calcium in the form of B-ionic...All my cyano problems went away once I got rid of flake type food. I also spot feed each critter like shrooms and polys with pelleted feeds and my shrooms all do fine, multiply continuously and have great color.