Phosphate reading is to high


New Member
I'm getting a Phosphate reading of 2.0. In the last month I have done two water changes. The first water change was done on December 15th and was 20 gal. The second was done on Jan 10th and was 15 gal. Should I increase the amount of the water changes or is their some thing else that can assist in removing Phosphates. Also could Phosphates affect the growth of Coralline alage. Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Tank Details
Size 75 gal
alk 10
Calcium 500
Phosphate 2.0
Temperature 80

yosemite sam

Active Member
What are your nitrate levels? Do you use tap water or RO water? Some tap water can have really high levels of phosphate. What is your bioload in the tank? How often do you feed your tank inhabitants? It will be easier to control if you find the cause of the high phosphate.


New Member
I'm using a 6 stage RO unit.
1 Hippo tang 4"
1 Lip stick tang 5"
1 Yellow tang 3"
3 clowns
seeweed once a day
Cap full of Photo plankton every other day
flakes once a day

yosemite sam

Active Member
That is a high bioload for a 75 gallon tank. That is probably at least part of the problem. What are your nitrates? Do you have a refugium? Some sort of nutrient export will also help out.


Active Member
what kind of bed do u have? from what i understand having a crushed coral sand bed produces a high phosphate level from all the food and detritus being trapped in the crushed coral.