Phosphate Removal question


Working on getting rid of major hairy green algae and would like to know several things. First, how did I get phosphates in my tank when I use only RO/DI water and do regular water changes and I dont think I overfeed but that is still possible. Have already used Phosphate sponge (Kent's) and am cleaning everything out. I checked for phosphate level but Salifert said 0. How do I accurately check for this? Will Diatemaceous Earth, charcoal and or a polishing filter help remove Phosphate? Any suggestions would be helpful as this algae is a bear to get rid of.


Active Member
Phosphates are "part" of the problem...but then so are NitrAtes...
What are NitrAte levels like...?
And then to confuse matters further...
You CAN have "0" readings for NitrAte and Phosphate in the middle of an Algae bloom...because the mass of algae is "consuming" the malnutrients as fast as they are available (hence lush growth) and leave little to none in water colum for test kits to detect...
But the fact you have excess algae pretty much confirms you have the malnutrients present...
How do you get rid of them...??
What works for me is ...I run an "Algal Scrubber" fuge (mass quantities of Macros that "compete" for malnutrients and are harvested and removed on a regular basis)


I am getting over the same problem. I added a fluidized bed filter in which I am running carbon and/or phosphate. After about 1 month, my algea has been reduced by about 50%.