phosphate removal


Active Member
HI guys,
Was having a big diatom problem, PO4 levels were 0.5, so added some Rowa-Phos (PO4 sponge) and it is down to 0.1 -should i take it out now? I know you are supposed to take it out when it is zero but i dont think i will get it zero, the colour chart isnt brill anyway.
Thanks for all the help,


Active Member
Tim, your target level is of course 0 ppm. But i don't know for how long time you can keep this stuff in your filter untill it will start leaching phosphates back into your tank. Follow the directions, that's what i can suggest to you.


Active Member
Oh Tim, one thing i found in your signature... Your salinity is kinda low! You should slowly bring it up to 1.023 for FO system or 1.024 - 1.025 for Reef setup.


Active Member
The instructions are rubbish which is why i am thinking of getting the Kent Phosphate and Silicate sponge.
Even though PO4 seems low, there is a lot more diatoms growth today. I am starting to despair! What can I do?
Yes it is FO at the mo, I will retest today (havent tested that for a while, lol) and I am taking it up whilst changing with RO water. What should the salinity of the RO water be if I am wanting to increase it?
Are there any other factors you can think of which causes this diatoms?


Active Member
Hi buddy,
Well when i put PO4 remover in, diatoms decrease slightly but then it just comes back within a day or so and completely covers the sand.
I havent measured silicates and have no way of measuring them. What puts silicates into the tank? I am going to buy Kent Marines Phosphate and Silicate remover and hopefully that will get rid of everything.
If there is no PO4, and no silicates, could diatoms still live or reproduce etc?
You can see my clean up crew in my sig, which do the best they can bless 'em, but the diatoms is overwhelming. Conchs are the only thing I can think of that eat diatoms and they are too expensive over here.
Thanks for the help,


Active Member
I added my new sand in about 3-4 weeks ago? My tank is mainly tap water but I am now using RO water, so it will gradually be changed.
right tomorrow i will get the PO4 and Silicate remover and hope for the best.
Cheers for the help,


Typical phosphate concentrations in natural sea water are very low, sometimes as low as 0.005 ppm., and diatoms are still one of the most abundant phytoplankton in the sea. Your level of .1 could be considered more than 100x's that found in natural sea water. At concentrations below about 0.03 ppm, the growth rate of many species of phytoplankton is dependent on the phosphate concentration, while above this level their growth rate may be independent of phosphate concentration, meaning that above .03 they may grow very rapidly reguardless of what your phospate readings are. So if you want to deter algae growth by controlling phosphate, you need to keep phosphate levels quite low. With diatoms you also need very low silicates as well.
What brand test kit do you use? Many PO4 kits don't go lower than .1 which does not help much. How much flow do you have in your tank? Often the brown mat on the sand is dead diatom skeletons that can be picked up and removed by your skimmer and filter if they are aloud to stay in the water rather than float to the bottom. A very high amount of flow would help this. Also, how much and how often are you feeding your fish and do they eat all of the food? Fish food can often be made up of 1% phosphorus or more, which means that if you add 5 grams of flake food to a 100 gallon tank, there is the potential for the inorganic phosphate level to be raised by about 0.4 ppm in that single feeding.


Tim, one more thing; In my tank my PO4 levels are some where between .01 and .05 and I still have a lot of micro-algea growth, but the clean up crew, macro-algeas, and weekly glass cleanings keep up with it. IMO these micro-algeas are a good thing (natural food for various critters) and you cannot completely get rid of them, nor should you be trying to. If you can get your levels lower and maintain them than it will become manageable and less unsightly.
Good luck,