phosphate removers?


Anybody heard of a phosphate remover by the name Rowa? My lfs tells me it's guaranteed to drop it to zero and take care of my hair algae problem. He was out of the product at the time so I didn't purchase. It cost around 45 bucks so it's not a cheapie and I wanted to see if anyone else here has used it. I've looked on line and I couldn't find a site located in the U. S. where one could purchase it either.


Well-Known Member
I do not recommend phosphate sponges. I also have not tried one. Spend your money on marine plants or macro algaes instead. You may have to set up a fuge to protect your investment and remove the plants from the display area. the end result will be the completion of the nitrogen cycle, filtering out heavy ions, absorbing carbon dioxide, and a balanced stable tank.


Active Member
I use Rowaphos to lower Phosphates in my tap water b4 I add it to tank.
It gets the Po4 from off the scale (5) to .25, but never seems to get any lower, or maybe I don't leave it long enough.
I have used it in the main tank and it again lowered it from high to about 1.
I live in England and you can buy it various size containers, the least being £8.
Are you using tap water or RO/DI


I use "Marc Weiss Phosphate & Silicate Magnet" it's expensive but high quality and it keeps my phosphates at 0. it last 6 months and doesn't leach.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
this is where i agree with Bob... macros will server you best for PO4s... but be sure you arent putting them back in your tank by using bad water or by overfeeding.

Shhhhhhhhh! I won't tell if you won't :D

nm reef

Active Member
I recently changed from using Kents Phosphate sponge to saliferts product for the very reasons mentioned above. I've never observed problems from using Kents product but the same information quoted above caused concern.
I've always used the phosphate sponge on a monthly basis...but I keep it in the system for only 24-48 hours. My readings for po4 have been non-detectable for over 2 years now. I believe a combination of phosphate sponges/kalkwasser drips/heavy skimming/large harvesting of assorted macro algaes/and limiting feeding has combined to maintain near zero phosphate levels.:cool:


Active Member
aluminum- now ya tell me :eek: :) . I have been using PhosGuard by Seachem. Time to find a new brand.