

I have had much trouble with fish and now anemeone in the close to 4 months my reef tank has been up. I have been through water quality, disolved oxygen (which I have the ability to test), and no sign of disese. I learned that the LFS was not testing for phosphates. I think maybe this is the problem. I am going to have them tested tommorow, but I wondered if anyone had any experiece? :D


Phosphates will cause a algie bloom of brown or red as well as high silcates, what type of trouble are you haveing, info on your tank please would help us alot water perimiters size of tank lighting filteration so on. thanks, Missy
Hi if you have high phosphates you will have a lot of unwanted algea, for the fish dying and now an anenome , how are the others , nitrites, nitrates, ammonia, ph,? let us know...and I also feel you should have your own test kits and do it yourself..


All other parameters have been great. Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates-trace at most, PH 8.3-8.4, Slinity 1.022-1.023. Most trouble is fish dying. All inverts and two soft corals are fine. I do have a small problem with red slime algae right now.
Tank is 37 gal. w/ Eclipse 3, two powerheads, and stock lights. Next week I am going to change to Emporer 400 and conopy with VHO's.
Please keep the comments comming, and I will let you know the results of the Phosphate.


Active Member
Though I dont know anything about Eclipse I dont believe the stock lighting will sopport an anemone, hence it died.


New news. No phosphates!!! Anemone is still alive, but not looking good. If you have seen my recent posts, I am switching set-ups. Emporer 400, prizm skimmer, and 225W worth of VHO. I hope that kick starts the oll' anemone.