You want phosphates as low as possible. Zero is the goal. RO DI water is your best bet. Kent makes an RO DI unit called "hi-s" that is supposed to remove 99 percent of silicates and phosphates. Phosphates help problem algae like hair algae and cyanobacteria (red slime) to grow.
po4 you only can measure inorganic and not organic or the other way around? FWIW it doesn't matter your alga ,cyano ect can use it up and it won't even be detectable but algae is growing everywhere. You can't test for it all even if its undetectable but you have alga growth you still have too much po4. get it?
Settled debris, not cleaning your mechanical filter sponges,anything that had a chance to build up waste and hasn't been broken down. The spots in your tank that don't get enough water motion(dead spots).